Thursday, September 10, 2009

Favorite quote of the week is...

"... you'd have sex with a gender-ambiguous dragon?!"

I won't tell you how Meagan and I got to that point in the conversation, only that it totally wasn't my fault and it was pretty inappropriate for her to say.

I'm in a great mood because we just bought our bus tickets to go to Mendoza, Argentina, which is apparently at the foot of the Andes and I've read websites that call it an "undiscovered Napa Valley." Since the only time I've been to California was to transfer flights in the LA airport, I can't really comment on the accuracy of that comparison but if websites say it, it must be at least partially correct. Anyways, it's a 13 hour bus ride but we'll leave at night next Thursday and I think it'll be a good time.

Classes stunk this week- they're just too long- but they're over for now so I think I'm going to go to the gym, have some dinner, and try to figure out something good to do tonight.

I love my internship, I wish I could work there full time because I know my Spanish would be great and the people are really nice and fun. Some of us might go out on Saturday with a guy from the clipping room named Gabriel who is apparently "borrowing" his dad's car that night. Should be a lot of fun. He also gave the other two girls at our "pasantia" (internship) three sheets of paper with translations of common words used here. For instance, he told us the Spanish translations for:

"very drunkard"
"marijuana cigarette"

None of which I'll be using while I'm here, because I generally act as if Jesus is watching.

Have a good weekend.

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